"Rejoice in the Lord always"
Philippians 4: 4
When Mark Twain was once asked what his New Year's resolution would be, he answered:
"I'm going to live within my income this year even if I have to borrow money to do it."
Many New Year's resolutions have an air of levity about them.
The prospect of a brand new year seems to bring out many different reactions in us.
The old year was successful in many ways.
It had its share of difficulties and disappointments.
It had some promises kept and some broken.
There are those who have conquered bad habits, and some have started some.
Maybe, we are happy to have the opportunity of turning over the page and getting a fresh, new start.
For many it is a sigh of relief to say goodbye to the old year.
Maybe, we are happy to see the New Year, simply because it is new.
To be new is to be filled with excitement.
Newness is always filled with mystery.
What's new is attractive and intriguing.
What's new is young and fresh and alive.
All of these characteristics calls us to tingle with anticipation.
So, here we are at the entrance of another New Year.
The new year stretches out before us, bright with the promise of happiness.
But, where will we look for the happiness?
For many, the pinnacle of happiness nestles securely at the top of a pile of cash.
But anyone who is truly honest, knows that financial success and happiness do not always go hand in hand.
Fame fares no better in our search for happiness.
The sports pages headline the names of athletes who are famous today, but will be forgotten tomorrow.
Yesterday's hero may be today's bum.
Even prominent politicians will soon fade from the passing scene.
For example, who could list without making a single mistake, the losing major-party vice presidential candidates
in our last five national elections?
Fame is a fleeting thing!
And so it goes.
The "happiness" derived from power can be snuffed out in an instant by an assassin's bullet.
Happiness based on friendship can be wiped out by betrayal.
So, where should we look for happiness as the new year dawns?
What word do we, as Christians, have for the person who is overwhelmed by sadness, by frustration,
by discontent, and by a multitude of disappointments and problems?
Do we have the right to comfort and encourage others with commands like, "Be happy!"?
Do we have the right to say to the depressed, "Be of good cheer!"?
You bet we do!
The teachings of Jesus Christ contain the Biblical prescription for happiness.
The beatitudes are intensely practical for modern living.
Happiness, in its most satisfying form, is the inevitable result of gaining the proper relationship
with God and with one another.
There are three instances from the life of our Lord that illustrate this truth.
First, all but one of the gospel writers relate an incident that took place during Jesus' Galilean ministry.
No sooner had Jesus entered the home where He was staying in Capernaum than a group of four men
brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing.
The curious crowds, surrounding Jesus on all sides, were no match for the resourceful four men.
After ripping off a few of the roof tiles, they gently lowered the stretcher into the center of the room.
To reward the unusual faith of these men, Jesus did something for their companion,
which had been quite unusual up to this time.
With words that have deep significance, also for you and me, Jesus commanded the paralytic,
"My son, be of good cheer!"
"Why, sir? Why should I take heart? Why should I be happy, in my hopelessly, sad condition?"
Jesus gave the answer, "Be of good cheer because your sins are forgiven!"
What better reason to be happy!
This is the reason for lasting and abundant rejoicing!
- When our sins are forgiven, we are at peace with our conscience.
- When our sins are forgiven, we are at peace with our friends and neighbors.
- When our sins are forgiven, we are at peace with our Lord.
We're happy because Jesus has forgiven our sins!
The quality of joy is a distinctively Christian concept.
Nowhere in the Greco-Roman world of New Testament days, nor in any of the civilizations that preceded it,
will you find the attribute of Christian joy.
Believers in Christ are the only people who have ever experienced that deep and abiding sense of satisfaction
and contentment that finds its source in the realization of sins forgiven and a right relationship to God.
Today, people are rushing from one source of pleasure to another.
Typical of our current scene is today's drug using generation whose happiness is temporary.
One of Job's friends knew well how shall and short-lived pleasure can be:
"The exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment." (Job 20: 5)
Like a well about to run dry, such joy is not connected to a full reservoir.
It bubbles up for a while, then spurts, then sputters, then stops flowing altogether.
On the other hand, Christian joy is lasting!
Jesus said in John 15: 11:
"These things have I spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."
The joy of the Christian is like a deep, quiet river whose waters are continually replenished
from mountain streams.
To the woman at the well in Samaria, Jesus said,
"Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water
that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him
a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4: 13f)
When the Holy Spirit plants salvation in the soul, the joy that grows alongside it is just
as lasting and eternal as is the assurance of sins forgiven.
Such joy was announced by an angel choir on that first Christmas night.
It is the indispensable theme of that "good news of great joy" (Luke 2: 10) that imparts
salvation to the waiting soul.
The old year is gone, and the new year is here!
Why should we Christians send up a cheer?
Let the words of the gospel chorus tell us why:
"I'm so happy, and here's the reason why:
Jesus took my burdens all away!
Now I'm singing as the days ago by:
Jesus took my burdens all away!
Once my heart was heavy with a load of sin;
Jesus took the load and gave me peace within!
Now I'm singing as the days ago by:
Jesus took my burdens all away!"
"Be a good cheer because your sins are forgiven!"
Second, John's gospel tells us of another incident that took place during Jesus' ministry.
It happened during that fearsome, of Jesus' life on earth.
His thoughts were not centered on His own problems.
He was involved in the task of encouraging His disciples to be brave in the difficult
and dangerous days that lay just ahead.
He warned them that they would be severely persecuted for professing faith in Him,
that their lives would be anything but easy after He was gone.
Nevertheless, with words that have great significance are you and me, Jesus commanded them,
"In the world you have tribulation, but be a good cheer!"
"Why, Lord? Why should we be lighthearted and courageous in our precarious position?"
"Be of good cheer because I have overcome the world!"
What better reason could we have to be happy?
Here is reason for lasting and abundant rejoicing: Jesus has overcome world!
This means that we're free from the oppressive power of the world and its attractions.
This means that the world no longer exercises dominion over us.
This means that no matter what the world does to us, it cannot us their our inner peace and contentment.
We're happy, because Jesus has overcome the world!
The devil's fiery darts take many shapes and forms.
Temptation can come to us as the lust of the flesh, or the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life.
Satan can reap upon us unawares, or he can confront us brazenly and openly.
But God hasn't left us without resources to withstand even the most frontal attacks:
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength,
but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape,
that you may be able to endure it." (1 Corinthians 10: 13)
Temptation, however subtle or beguiling, no longer has the upper hand, because Jesus has
overcome the world.
So, as the old year is gone and we enter the new year, why should we Christians send a day cheer?
The words of the gospel hymn tell us:
"I am happy in the service of the King!
I am happy, O so happy!
I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring,
In the service of the King!
In the service of the King,
Every talent I will bring;
I have peace and joy and blessing
In the service of the King!"
"Be of good cheer because I have overcome the world!"
Thirdly, three of the Gospels inform us of a final incident in Jesus' ministry that places the finishing touches
on our reasons for rejoicing in Him.
The twelve disciples were struggling to keep their boat afloat during a storm on the Sea of Galilee.
Suddenly, the figure of a man walking on the waves toward them caught their attention.
Of course they became terrified thinking it was a ghost.
Then came the command of Jesus to them in words that have deep significance for us:
"Be of good cheer!"
"Why shouldn't we be frightened and filled with dread?"
"Be a good cheer because it is I. Have no fear!"
What better reason do we have to be happy?
We have seen Jesus!
He has come walking toward us surmounting problems and dangers and troubles of life,
and He has reassured us.
We have looked into His face, and we have seen in Him the answer to all our questions.
We have looked into His face, and we realized immediately that He is the only one who could free us
from the curse of sin and death.
We have looked into His face, and we have understood that joyous fellowship and communion with God
and with His people are possible through Him.
The foregleams of His presence that we enjoy now is dim when compared with the supreme delight
that we will experience when we stand before Him in our heavenly home.
We can be a good courage because we have been with Jesus!
We can be happy because we will be with Jesus!
As a new year stretches before us, let us send up a cheer!
"My heart was sad till I met Jesus;
My friends were gone, and life seemed vain;
I sought for riches and for glory --
Each joy had turned to grief and pain.
Then one day, I met the Saviour,
Met Him in the twilight dim;
Joy overwhelmed my soul, and sorrow vanished,
And I'm happy, since His love came in."
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White